We should adopt a total-place agenda to incorporate urban, infrastructural, and societal programming into an architecture which is innovative, challenging and site-specific.

Hans P. Bilsen
Senior Architect

Who we are

Bilsen Architectuur is a Dutch architectural design office. We consider ourselves to be part of a larger renowned Dutch tradition in Public Building and Infrastructural Design.

We have a humanistic approach to design, emphasizing the human scale and well being above any technical solution. Besides that inspiration is drawn from many current societal developments like green building, durable design, co-creating and many technical driven innovations for construction, energy and climate.

We love to integrate all these into a flowing and functional design.

What we do

We translate the clients brief and the local site conditions into an attractive, outspoken and original design. A design with identity yet also fitting in the context. A building to be most advance yet acceptable (MAYA), to quote Raymond Loewy.

Our expertise is in public and spatial projects where architecture, urban design and infrastructure blend. We perform specialist architectural design of railway stations, metro, park & ride facilities and bridges. An independent advising role is taken in projects.

We manage the design process with an emphasis on content and quality, and guard the concept along the various project phases, from preliminary design through to execution on site.

Urban Design20%
Infrastructure, Transportation50%
Interior Design60%

Why we do it

We enjoy the process of creating and shifting the boundaries, developing the new and honoring the old. We believe as architects we have a pivotal role in enabling progress and adding value to our direct daily environment and lives.

Our Clients

NS Stations, NS Vastgoed, Prorail, Haagse Tram Maatschappij, Bouwdienst Rijkswaterstaat, DGW&T, Qatar Rail, Arcadis, Hyder Consulting, Holland Railconsult, Stichting SPOVO, Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente Utrecht, Gemeente Maastricht, Gemeente Almere, Gemeente Nijmegen, Gemeente Dordrecht, Gemeente Delft, Provincie Noord Brabant, Bestuur Regio Utrecht, XTNT, Vormgevingsinstituut, HBG Vastgoed, Johan Matser Projectontwikkeling, SL Plus, Stichting Geld- en Bankmuseum, Twynstra Gudde, Iv-Infra & Frans Rolf, Passenger Terminal Amsterdam, Transit, Syntens, Zublin Real Estate,  Ballast Nedam, Dura Vermeer, Gemeente Ede, Gemeente Venray, TU Eindhoven, Mobilion, various private clients.

our services

Quickscan and Second Opinion

Requesting a second opinion can be a great way to freshen up an ongoing project or slow progress.

We love to quickly analyze problems and rephrase or propose alternative ways of dealing with them. Without disturbing the main project and its stakeholders, it can be very beneficial to have an external and independent consultant to provide insights and feedback. Bilsen is happy to play this role.

Lead Architectural Design

Drawing on an extensive architectural experience of 25+ years we can be hired as chartered architect for projects.

We have specialized in the crossing borders between architecture, urbanisme and infrastructure. We can perform this role on site and in your team, as part of a larger consortium or engineering setting. For smaller scale projects we can also draw on our own dedicated partners to form a specialist team, fit for the project that you require.

Design and Innovation Management

To manage the design and to interact with the many technical disciplines is another major interest of Bilsen.

We guard the concept and integrate with many disciplines. We perform quality control and supervision of design teams. For innovation management we also step out of the box and organise brainstorm sessions to gain fresh insights and formulate new horizons.


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